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The guided tours may be cancelled at weekends at the moment. Please inform yourself before your visit (, +49 (0)3631 495 820).

The museum is open from 10am to 6pm. We kindly ask for your understanding.

Donations for victims of Nazi persecution in Ukraine

The current war in Ukraine has left many people in great need. Among those suffering are also the survivors of National Socialist persecution. They need our help now more than ever, so that vital basics such as warmth, food and medical care can be ensured, but also reconstruction work can be supported.

You can donate through our aid network for victims of Nazi persecution!

„Roll call took far longer than usual this morning. A dead man whose number had been covered up had to be identified. As a result, six hundred sick people had to remain standing for four hours.“
Pierre Mahot
In-depth information about the history of Mittelbau-Dora
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