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On Saturday (8 February 2025), the museum will unfortunately remain closed for health reasons. Guided tours will not take place.

We kindly ask for your understanding.

Donations for victims of Nazi persecution in Ukraine

The current war in Ukraine has left many people in great need. Among those suffering are also the survivors of National Socialist persecution. They need our help now more than ever, so that vital basics such as warmth, food and medical care can be ensured, but also reconstruction work can be supported.

You can donate through our aid network for victims of Nazi persecution!

„The worst thing was the hunger. We were almost always hungry. The tiny ration we got each day only whet our appetite but couldn't quell our hunger, and that was an inconceivable torment for us. Our faces changed, they got wrinkled and looked older, we began to stoop, and walking beacem increasingly difficult.“
Marcel Arbez
In-depth information about the history of Mittelbau-Dora
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