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Barriers to Accessibility

What structural barriers exist on site?

The stairs leading to the memorial square in front of the former crematorium. To the right and left of it stretches an autumnal scenery.
Stairs leading to the commemorative square in front of the former crematorium, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.


  • For which target groups are there offerings available?
  • How to get to the concentration camp memorial?
  • What structural barriers exist on site?


  • There are no services for individuals with visual impairments or blind people. The exhibition does not have a floor guidance system or sensory stations.
  • There are no services for individuals with hearing impairments or deaf people. In the exhibition you will not find acoustic information about the individual displays. The exhibition has no acoustic guidance systems or induction loops.
  • There are educational offerings for people with learning difficulties. However, the permanent exhibition is not suitable for an individual visit by someone with learning difficulties.

You can download a free app to your own device and listen to it or read it.


The Mittelbau-Dora Memorial is located about 6 kilometres outside the city centre of Nordhausen.

Upon reaching the bus stop or the parking lot, you will find yourself on the former grounds of the concentration camp.

Today the site belongs to the Mittelbau-Dora Memorial.

Once you have parked, you can:

  • Go into the museum building. The path leads along a paved road. The path is about 180 metres long with a consistent slope of approximately 2%.
  • Explore the grounds. This path is also paved. The distance to the entrance of the former inmates' camp is approximately 160 metres, a path that slopes less than 2%. There is a bench along the way.
  • Visit the tunnel system on a guided tour. This requires walking back some 600 metres along the main road. This route has a slope of approximately 2.5%. There are two benches along this path.


The following structural barriers can be found on site:

In the museum building:

The museum building was built in 2005. For people with physical disabilities, there are very few barriers.                       

  • All entrances are at ground level.
  • The Visitor Information counter is located directly at the entrance for help with any questions.
  • The bookshop is located next to the Visitor Information and is at ground level.
  • The permanent exhibition is located about 10 metres next to the Visitor Information.
    • The entrance is at ground level.
    • The corridors are wide.
    • The display cases are wheelchair accessible.
    • There is seating.
    • The height of the exhibits varies from 40 cm to 90 cm, or the exhibits are very large.
    • Most texts begin above eye level.
    • Listening stations are located at chest level.
  • There is a barrier-free toilet on the 1st floor. The toilet is accessible by elevator.
  • The elevator is barrier-free. It has sufficient width, and the controls are at waist height. The controls have raised lettering.
  • The museum café on the 1st floor is also accessible by elevator.
  • There are barrier-free seminar rooms.

On the grounds:

  • The Mittelbau-Dora Memorial is located on a mountain. This means that most of the terrain is sloped. On the grounds you are mostly walking uphill or downhill.                                                   
  • The main paths are paved.
  • Auxiliary paths are paved with loose gravel.
  • There are many stairs.
  • There are few benches in the outdoor area.

Inside the tunnels:

  • The lighting conditions in the tunnels are difficult.                                                              
  • It is partly dark, and the ground is uneven. 
  • There is no floor or tactile guidance system.                                               
  • The entrance area and a large part of the visitor gallery are at ground level or accessible via a ramp. If you wish to see the entire visitor gallery, you will need to descend a few steps.


  • There are three disabled parking spaces for people who have a parking pass. These are oversize parking spaces located a few metres closer to the museum building than the other spaces.
  • Guide dogs for the blind or assistance dogs are allowed throughout the premises.

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