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Topicality of memorial site work

30.11.2023, 15:00 PM‒19:00 PM


Memorial and Educational Centre Andreasstraße Erfurt

An event organised by the Thuringian State Centre for Political Education

Thursday, 30 November 2023, 2-6 p.m.
Andreasstraße memorial and educational centre, Andreasstraße 37a, 99084 Erfurt

The symposium is aimed at teachers, student teachers, extracurricular multipliers
of historical-political education and interested parties.

What role do digital formats play in memorial site work in Thuringia? For which target groups are there specific programmes? How can visits to memorial sites be prepared and followed up?

We approach these questions by presenting examples of current educational practice at Thuringian memorial sites on persecution and oppression in the 20th century. In order to do justice to the various functions and thematic focuses of memorial site work in the area of conflict between knowledge transfer and remembrance, a permanent reflection on objectives and contemporary methods is necessary. The symposium provides those working in the field of historical-political education with an overview of current educational programmes at contemporary historical memorial sites in Thuringia and offers the opportunity to reflect on key issues in the practice of historical-political educational work.

The number of places available for each specialisation is limited. Please indicate a first and second preference for each specialisation. Please register with details of the professional field and
and choice of specialisation please send an email to: LZT_PF@tsk.thueringen.deTeachers can register directly via the Thuringian school portal.

Registration deadline: 17 November 2023

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