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Nordhausen under National Socialism

11.04.2024, 17:00 PM‒19:00 PM

Public tour

Roland statue in front of Nordhausen town hall

Anti-Semitic call fo boycott on the shop window of the Schönbeck fashion store, probably April 1933
Anti-Semitic call fo boycott on the shop window of the Schönbeck fashion store, probably April 1933 (Stadtarchiv Nordhausen)

The Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial invites you to two public tours on the topic of "Nordhausen under National Socialism" on Thursday, 11 April, and Thursday, 25 April, 5 pm. The tours focus on familiar places in the Nordhausen cityscape and show how the Nazi history of the city can be traced at these locations.

The tours start and end in front of the town hall and are held in German. They lead to various historical places in the city centre and last about two hours. Participation is free of charge, registration is not required.

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