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Four-hour and Five-hour Guided Programmes

A group of memorial visitors stands around their tour guide and listens.
A guided tour across the grounds of Mittelbau-Dora Memorial. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

Four-hour Programme

  • Introductory talk, tour of the former inmates' camp (roll call square, crematorium, detention cells, and execution site), the former SS casern, the station area, and the tunnel system
  • Visit to special exhibitions
  • Visit to the permanent exhibition "Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp, 1943–1945"


Five-hour Programme

  • Introductory talk, tour of the former inmates' camp (roll call square, crematorium, detention cells, and execution site), the former SS casern, the station area, and the tunnel system
  • Visit to special exhibitions
  • Visit to the permanent exhibition "Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp, 1943–1945"
  • Viewing original footage of the liberation

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