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Jugend für Dora e.V.

The illustration shows the logo of the support association "Jugend für Dora e.V.". A rough illustration of all continents is surrounded by a circular chain of stick figures holding hands.

Jugend für Dora e.V.

"Jugend für Dora e.V." (Youth for Dora) is an international youth association that primarily deals with the history of the former Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp and its subcamp complex.

In 1995, former prisoners expressed the wish for an association of interested and committed young people to carry on the survivors' cause so that the "Hell of Dora" would never be forgotten. Over time, a small group of young people from the South Harz region developed into a solid association with good contacts to other organisations as well as individuals on a national and international level.

The association sees its main concern in contributing to the understanding of the history of National Socialism. Specifically, this means raising awareness of historical places and events and their impact in the past and present, educational work, providing information, preserving commemoration and memory, intergenerational awareness and cooperation as well as intercultural communication and cooperation in various projects.

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