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Brita Heinrichs

Deputy Head of the Education Department

1985–1990 studied at the Pädagogische Hochschule Leipzig, diploma in teaching

2007–2010 participation in federal model project “Gedenkstättenpädagogik und Gegenwartsbezug – Selbstverständigung und Konzeptentwicklung” ("Pedagogy in memorials and contemporary relevance - self-understanding and development of concepts"); as certified trainer: implementation of the continuing education workshop “Verunsichernde Orte” ("Unsettling Places") for educational staff of memorials

1999/2000 cooperation project with the Stuhr-Brinkum cooperative comprehensive school and the Johann Gottfried Herder state Gymnasium in Nordhausen, result: scenic reading and publication by the same title on Wernher von Braun

from 1996: 11 international study-and-work camps of Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial in cooperation with “Jugend für Dora e.V.” (Youth for Dora)

Development/co-development of seminars:
Since 2020 collaboration on the development and implementation of educational offers on “the value and worth of the human being in meritocracies” for persons with learning difficulties within the framework of an excellence project funded by the German Federal Office of Administration

Since 2018 collaboration on the development and implementation of educational offers for police officers and trainees within the framework of the cooperation project between the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation and the educational centre of the Thuringian police

2016/2017 collaboration on the development and implementation of a project on “historical photographs as sources: methods of critical photographic analysis in educational practice"

Development of the seminar series “Auf Honorarbasis”, an offer for freelance staff of concentration camp memorials, in charge of the project since 2004

Additional qualifications:
Certified trainer for the programme “Achtung (+) Toleranz” within the framework of education in democracy and human rights

Volunteer integration guide in Nordhausen

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