The memorial offers a learning format specifically geared towards individuals with learning disabilities. A specially developed programme, with individual components which build on one other, was developed and tested by the memorial in cooperation with people from this target group. Adapted and newly developed methodologies and the accompanying materials in simple language make it possible to achieve the memorial's basic educational goals, while using the resources and strengths of the visitors. This explicitly includes people with limited reading and writing skills. For this purpose, supplementary aids have been developed, which range from audio-visual components to a specially designed system of pictograms. Review units make it easier for participants to retrieve what they previously learned at the beginning of each new project day. A period of reflection after the visit to the memorial concludes the programme.
The ideally three-day* programme, which (depending on availability) is staffed with two educators, pursues these aims:
- Temporal understanding and comparison of one's own life with the period of the concentration camp
- Learning about the historical site
- Learning about and classifying the protagonists of a concentration camp: the concentration camp inmates, guards, and stakeholders from the community
- Focus on the themes of forced labour and the crimes committed by an entire society
- Individual farewell to the place
*If three days are not feasible, the programme can be adapted to a shorter length of stay.