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Study-and-Work Camp

Young volunteers position whitish rubble stone to use it to make visible the outline of a former camp building.
Participants of the international study-and-work camp work on rendering the barrack outline visible, 2022. Photo: Luisa Hulsrøj.

Every summer, the memorial organizes a two-week international study and work camp in cooperation with the Service Civil International (SCI). Participants from all over the world learn about the historical site and the memorial, while making important and lasting contributions to the work of the memorial.

The two weeks foster intercultural exchange and offer an intensive historical and political educational opportunity. Being part of an international group of people who live and work together for two weeks, sharing knowledge and experiences, can be an intense and uniquely memorable life experience.

The project has two main focuses: In the work component, participants help expose, mark, and maintain the outlines of former barracks in the inmates' camp. These volunteer efforts are part of a long-term project to make the former camp topography "visible." This sustains an important aspect of the education goals of the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial, since it enables visitors to better recognize and discover the traces and remains of the concentration camp.

In the study component, participants can do research in the Documentation Centre, for example by compiling biographies or viewing various source materials. The work with documents is accompanied by a comprehensive educational programme; participatory group work and dialogue-based tours alternate with phases of individual research work.

The next Study and Work Camp will take place from 22 June to 6 July 2024. Further information on the next camp and registration can be found here.

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