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One-day and Multi-day Events

Two seminar participants are sitting at a table in a seminar room, engrossed in some worksheets they are holding in front of them.
Two seminar participants read short biographies of former inmates, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

One-day Event (minimum of 6 hours)
The guided pedagogical programme is supported by a set of methods that encourage the active contribution of the participants, for example through moderated discussions on selected issues, documents, and a reflection phase at the end of the day.

Multi-day Events (minimum of 2 days)
In addition to having thorough information about the historical site imparted to them, the participants are also encouraged to individually engage with selected topics and to generate a product from their independent work. Using the skills and knowledge of the whole group, the multi-day event aims to enable individual participants to develop and express their own perspective on various issues. Methodologies and the duration of individual programme modules vary depending on participants' age group and level of knowledge. Groups are supervised by members of the education staff the entire time.


Programme Modules

The educational programmes of the Mittelbau-Dora Memorial are always specifically tailored to the age, group size, and level of knowledge of the participants. For this purpose, the educational staff have a range of content-based programme modules, which can be used in consultation with the group leaders.  

The longer a group stays at the memorial, the more active-participation modules are included in the programme.

Educators stimulate and guide the examination of important aspects of Nazi history and carefully moderate resulting conversations and discussions. In addition, they support participants in independently acquiring knowledge on specific topics. The multi-day events are particularly project-oriented and are geared to foster products developed by the participants themselves under the supervision of the educators.

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