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Useful Information for Preparing a Visit to the Memorial

Useful information about the planning and schedule of a visit to the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial.

A group stands between the concrete pillars that mark the entrance to the former prisoners' camp.
Group on the roll call square, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.


If you would like to visit the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial with your students, you should register about ten months in advance. You may use the online registration form on this website or contact the information desk by phone.
Although we generally make our best efforts to accommodate the dates requested, we ask for your understanding, if we need to make alternative suggestions due to increased demand.

The staff of the Mittelbau-Dora Memorial tries to offer school groups a tailored educational programme. For this reason, when you register, our staff at the information desk asks detailed questions about your wishes, your students' level of knowledge, and any special considerations important for the group.

Please contact the education staff at the memorial, if you are planning a one-day or multi-day project with your group.

If your arrival on the day of your visit is unexpectedly delayed, please inform the memorial promptly. Please cancel a reserved guided tour at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a cancellation fee.


The Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial is only accessible by public transport through a call-a-bus.

If you are not travelling with your own motor coach, Visitor Information will be happy to arrange a bus transfer for you between the memorial and the Nordhausen rail station.

It is also possible to take the Harzer Schmalspurbahn (HSB) from Nordhausen to the Nordhausen-Krimderode station. From here, it is an approx. 30-minute walk along a signposted path.

Overnight Stays

If you are taking part in a multi-day project, we recommend the following accommodations in Nordhausen:

  • Jugendgäste- und Bildungshaus Rothleimmühle
  • Schullandheim Harzrigi


Fee for all educational programmes: 80 € per group; 40 € reduced (for school groups, students, federal volunteers, volunteers, soldiers, trainees, the unemployed, and persons with disabilities)

Please pay the fee in cash at the information desk in the museum lobby.

Call-a-bus transportation provided by the City of Nordhausen (Monday to Friday):
1,70 € per person, per trip for groups of up to 9 people
0,90 € per person, per trip for groups of 10 people or more.

The total price per trip is paid to the bus driver.

Additional Information

Due to the special character of the concentration camp memorial, we advise against overloading the day of the visit with additional sightseeing activities (such as a hike).

If possible, we try to break large groups of students into smaller groups upon arrival at the memorial.

A visit to the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp Memorial is also suited for wheelchair users (limited access to the tunnel system). All buildings have barrier-free access. In the museum building, there is an elevator and an accessible bathroom.

The temperature in the tunnel system is a constant 8°C.  Please make sure to wear appropriate clothing, especially in summer.

Please ensure that your students wear clothing that is in keeping with the dignity of the site. It is prohibited to wear clothing or display symbols whose content, manufacture, or marketing is generally recognized as belonging to a right-wing, extremist milieu.

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