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Labour Administration

In the offices of the labour administration, inmate functionaries carried out central organizational tasks for the SS. Here, they assigned other inmates to barracks, food rations, and forced-labour work details. In this manner, they had a hand in life-and-death decisions.

View of barrack No. 25, where the labor statistics were located. In front: wooden scaffolding for hanging fire hoses.
Labour administration, October 1945. Photo: Unknown.

Particularly at the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp, what work detachment inmates had to work in was critical. Being sent to work building tunnels or to work at the many outdoor construction sites, for example building streets or rail lines, had fatal consequences. This extremely heavy labour quickly led to exhaustion and death. Compared to these murderous conditions, the work details in the weapons industry meant an improvement for inmates. There was less mistreatment by foremen; inmates worked in a dry place and received more to eat. However, usually only skilled workers or inmates with a relationship to an inmate functionary had any chance of being assigned to a production work detachment. Here too, an inmate's physical condition was decisive. The SS intentionally sent weak inmates to the construction commandos with the worst conditions.

Today, only the foundations remain of the labour administration building.

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