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Ash Grave

The crematorium went into operation in the autumn of 1944. Some 5,000 bodies were incinerated here. The SS had their ashes dumped down the slope behind the crematorium building.

The slope of a hill littered with ashes and bone parts. In the background the crematorium building, partially hidden by trees.
Pile of ashes from burned corpses behind the crematorium of the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp, October 1945. Photo: Unknown.
The photo shows the ash grave below the crematorium. It is made permanently visible by rubble stones. The photo was taken from the foot of the slope where the ash grave is located. In the background of the picture you can see the crematorium with its characteristic chimney above the ash grave.
Ash grave below the crematorium, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

The ash grave was made visible in 2013 through the use of local stone. Today it serves as a central site of mourning.

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