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The storeroom served as a stockroom for inmate clothing and a storage space for their personal possessions. New arrivals had to leave all the belongings that they still carried here, and they were issued striped uniforms, a number, and a triangular patch.

The picture captures the foundations of the former effects room frontally. An information stele can be seen on the right-hand side next to the remains of the foundation.
Foundation of the storeroom, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

Upon arrival at a concentration camp, inmates had to surrender their civil clothing and personal belongings, such as watches, coats, and wallets at the storeroom. The inmates were issued striped camp uniforms, which barely offered any protection against the elements. Their names were replaced by numbers, which the inmates had to wear on their jackets. From this point on, they had to be able to say their number in German and immediately respond when it was called out. A coloured triangular patch additionally indicated their inmate category.

Some of the wooden barracks had cellars. The remnants of these cellars have been preserved and mark the former location of the barracks.

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