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With the exception of the crematorium, the former firehouse, which is located next to one of the two former ponds that supplied extinguishing water, was the only building preserved after the war.

The photo shows the converted former fire station in its function as a special exhibition building. The building is on the right-hand side and is partially embedded in a green earth wall. The picture is characterized by its autumnal scenery. The trees that can be seen have a yellowish-orange leaf color.
Fire station converted into an exhibition building, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

In the spring of 1944, the SS had the garage-like building constructed from reinforced concrete as a place to store fire extinguishing equipment. The original building was restored and refurbished in the 1990s and was given a new entryway. Today, special exhibitions are presented in this building.

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