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Camp Rail Station / Information and Memorial Site for Subcamps

The rail station was the arrival and departure site for inmate transports to and from other concentration camps. It also served as a freight train station for the armament industry.

View from the entrance of driving gallery B to the industrial area of the Dora camp, 1945 (after liberation). In the center of the picture the camp road, in the background the railroad station area, in the foreground A4 engines.
View from the entrance of tunnel B to the industrial area of ​​the Dora camp, 1945 (after the liberation). Photo: Gerard Raphaël Algoet.
This photo shows the information and memorial site at the subcamp at the former camp station. It is a long brick foundation to which metal plaques have been attached at regular intervals.
External camp information and memorial site at the former camp station, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

When transports arrived, members of the SS drove the inmates with dogs and blows to the tunnel complex or the inmates' camp. Mittelwerk also used the rail station to transport completed V2 rockets.

In early April 1945, when the SS shut down the camp due to the approach of the front lines, the rail station was the departure point for multiple clearance transports, in which thousands of inmates died.

After the station was torn down in the late 1940s, the former rail complex served as a dump for a period of time and later became a dog exercise ground. In 2015 a surviving loading ramp was turned into a "Subcamp Information and Commemorative Site." Since then, 39 panels invoke the memory of the subcamps of the Mittelbau Concentration Camp. A website provides in-depth information on the camps.

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