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The wooden barracks for the inmates consisted of prefabricated components. The SS housed up to 500 inmates in each barracks. There was a total of 56 barracks in the inmates' camp, which were positioned up a slope and grouped around the service buildings and the roll call square.

View from a window of barrack 39 to barrack 128, which is still under construction.
Barrack 128, 1944. Photo: Unknown.
An information board can be seen in the foreground of the image, revealing the location of Block 12 and offering a historical photo for comparison. A square of stones can be seen in the background, used to show the outline of the block.
Former location of Block 12, 2022. Photo: Lukas Severin Damm.

Initially the inmates were housed in tunnels. Gradually they were able to move into the above-ground camp in the spring of 1944.

Each barracks consisted of two wings, which were each divided into two connected rooms. The first was furnished as an eating area; the second had multi-story plank beds. Straw sacks infested with bugs served as mattresses. In the centre of the barracks was a washroom, which was often unusable. The hygienic conditions were catastrophic.

After the war, residents of nearby villages dismantled the barracks and used their components as building materials, since Nordhausen was heavily bombed during the final days of the war. Since the early 2000s, the outlines of the former barracks have been successively marked with white gypsum by participants in various international study and work camps.

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