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After the first transport

Blasting of the entrances to the tunnel in the Kohnstein by the Soviet military authorities
Blasting of the entrances to the tunnel in the Kohnstein by the Soviet military authorities, 27 July 1947
(KZ-Gedenkstätte Mittelbau-Dora)
Draft of the future model of the tunnel system after the redesign
Draft of the future model of the tunnel system after the redesign

Another 60,000 inmates were brought to Mittelbau-Dora for forced labour, until they were liberated in April 1945. They had to work in the tunnel excavation and later in production. With the establishment of further subcamps, the inmates were deployed throughout the region from spring 1944 onwards.

After the liberation, the Allies took material from the production in the tunnel and used the camp to house liberated concentration camp prisoners and forced labourers. It was not until 1947 that the Soviet military authorities demolished the entrances to the tunnels in the Kohnstein.

In the 1990s the facility was opened to the public. Since then, visitors can take a guided tour of a part of the tunnel system. Until April 2024 the tunnels is being revised for educational work. It focuses on the living and working conditions in the tunnels, especially in the months after the arrival of the first inmates.

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