View of the entry gate to the former Buchenwald concentration camp, August 1950
(Photography: Georges Angéli, Gedenkstätte Buchenwald)
(Photography: Georges Angéli, Gedenkstätte Buchenwald)

Transport list of the „Transport Süd“, page 1, 27 August 1943
(Arolsen Archives)
(Arolsen Archives)

Transport list of the „Transport Süd“, page 2, 27 August 1943
(Arolsen Archives)
(Arolsen Archives)
On 26 August 1943 the Buchenwald camp physician made a list of inmates whom he deemed “able to be transported and to work.” The SS ordered 107 men to gather at the gate of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp in the early morning of 28 August. As there was no direct rail connection, they were taken by truck to the Kohnstein, and the Dora subcamp was established.
The average age of the inmates was 31 – the youngest of them, Grigorij Weremejenko, was only 16. Polish inmates made up the largest part of the group. They had been sent to the concentration camp either as former forced laborers or as political inmates. At least five of the inmates died before the end of the year.